
for so long I hungered for the light

afraid to cut

afraid to share

afraid to take up space


better, I thought, to be small, 


safely alone

enshrouded in velvet folds


measure twice and cut once, they say, 

though for me it was many years of measuring before I dared to trust the tool.

many years of keeping my own counsel

and holding in silence


and then,

from next to me,

a nudge

a tap

a shoulder 


I am not alone

not unheard

or unseen


I breathe

and I speak


the first cut blinks 

the cloth open with a whisper of light, 

a sigh on scissor’s edge.


the second invites the afternoon sun, 

dappled and antique

an unwashed window

of sepia dust and glow


with the third I raise the Moon, 

gibbous and ripe

a reflection on the water

winking with a grin


and with the fourth I am free, 

no longer the finger that points

I am startled blue eyes

the witness


I breathe again and stretch

my willow-arms high

reaching and gathering 

I am large


branches fill with crisp night

scent of apples 

kiss of sultry breeze


wide-eyed stars unbind

within and without

and shrugging

I look down to see the 

fuligen velvet yards

festooned at my feet


I breathe and cut

once more

into the fabric of the firmament

blade ever more keen, 

ever more willing, 

measuring in the past


donning my cape 

bespoken from a shroud

and clasped at the neck

with a brooch of golden honeycomb


I follow the moon

ascending into the cut

all gravity forgotten

close quarters quitted


flying without motion

flying without fear